Feeding Florida | Florida's Food Bank Network

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Why buy local?

Invest in healthy people, places, and economies
A Health Care Without Harm position statement
The health care sector can increase access to healthy, fresh foods while addressing the social and environmental determinants of health in their communities, by creating jobs and contributing to a strong and equitable food economy.


A few interesting bullet points from this article:

  • Another study found that the nutrient content of broccoli was cut in half when it was purchased out-of-season from national markets, compared to when it was sourced locally while in season.

  • Surveys show 87 percent of grocery shoppers say the availability of local food is either “very” or “somewhat” important in choosing a primary grocery store, and two-thirds of respondents said they choose a restaurant based on local food options.

  • Cooking with fresh local ingredients also improves food service employee satisfaction due to the skills they learn and the sense of fulfillment they gain from serving food aligned with the hospital's mission.

  • Researchers found that if Georgia residents spent just $10 of their weekly food budget on local foods, it would generate $2 million in sales revenue for the state’s producers.

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